Sponsor Kids Clinics

We can all make a difference!

Kids Clinics

Clinica de Esperanza offers FREE healthcare (including medicines and vitamins) to its patients 5 days a week. Since it's founding in 2007, the clinic sees more than 6900 patients per year.

  • Average 150 patients per week

  • Consultations and medicines 100% free!

Consider Donating

Donated funds cover the operation and ministry of the clinic:

  • Spanish Bibles

  • Medications we have to buy

  • Shipping items from United States

  • Staff salaries (MD, Nurse, Pharmacist, Cleaning, Triage)

  • Clinic supplies

  • Physical upkeep on clinic

To learn more about how to sponsor the Kids clinic:


Kids Clinics and Public Schools

The reality is that many impoverished families in Honduras struggle to afford basic medical services, and as a result, their children's health needs often go unmet. Clinica de Esperanza has an excellent reputation and relationship with the public school system in Honduras and has almost unlimited access to bring mobile clinics to the schools of Honduras. We typically see between 200 and 300 precious patients during each Kids Clinic, many of whom might not see a doctor until the next time we come. By offering mobile clinics on school premises, not only do we improve the overall health of the students, but we have the opportunity to shine the light of Jesus to the families and teachers, multiplying our efforts!

Our goal is to join with other ministries and organizations to cover every school in Honduras with yearly medical care. As a team member, you can help us reach that immense goal by helping out during the clinic. If you have medical training, we can put you to work! If you don't have any medical training, we can put you to work too!

United States:

Clinica de Esperanza

P.O. Box 120205

Melbourne, FL 32912


Clinica de Esperanza

Calle Principal

Santa Ana, Francisco Morazan, Hondruas