Come on down!

Let your light shine in Honduras!

Home building in Honduras is just one of the many "access ministriues" we use to kick-start relationships that lead to discipleship. Quiz question: What does home building have to do with healthcare? Read on for the answer!

It's time to expand your worldview!

Clinica de Esperanza invites you to come to Honduras and see what it's like to serve God in ways that will change how you see the world around you!

2024 Mission Teams:

  • May 11 - 19, 2024

  • July 27 – August 3, 2024

What would I do on a mission team with Clinica de Esperanza?

  • Work with the local clinic

  • Serve in the coffee shop

  • Join Bible studies with local leaders

  • Build houses for new families

  • Assist in "seeker events" to reach the lost

  • Visit with the elderly and help with house calls

  • Take a mobile clinic to the mountains

  • Help perform checkups for 300+ school kids

  • And many other experiences!

No medical experience needed!

We host mission teams at different times throughout the year. Sign up to attend an interest meeting to find out more!


Spiritual Healing And Discipleship

God uses the staff at Clinica de Esperanza every day to show love and promote physical healing. But, as followers of Jesus, we understand that physical healing is only a taste of what God can do!

Clinica de Esperanza participates with God in His transformative work in Honduras by representing Jesus openly to everyone we come into contact with! But, we are also privileged to host frequent "seeker events" that help us get to know a wider range of people in our community and invite them to discipleship-based classes and Discovery Bible Studies. We work with local church leaders and committed christians to lead these Bible studies, completing a much-needed connection to the local church!


Seeking Healthcare, Finding Jesus

Clinica de Esperanza opens every weekday morning at 8:00 pm to a crowd of precious people seeking help with various health issues. The clinic's staff are caring and skilled to serve the people God entrusts to us.

The clinic facility appears, at first glance, to be just a humble adobe house with clay tile roof. But, the clinic actually houses a wide range of medical services in addition to general family practice, such as women's health, dentistry, Christian counseling and a fully equipped pharmacy.

Clinica de Esperanza has been in operation for more than 10 years and sees an average of 6900 patients each year! Each one is seen, heard, prayed-for and cared-for and experiences the love and kindness of Jesus Christ.


Healthcare and Housing

What does healthcare have to do with housing? Quite a lot! We can use the talents God has given us to assist the healing process. We can prescribe medicine, teach about exercise, educate on STDs and nutrition and bandage wounds ALL DAY. But, if our beloved patients have to return to a home where sickness and darkness circulates, what have we really done for them. That's why Clinica de Esperanza participates in home-building and repair every year.

As a team member, you can help us raise money for houses and even help us build them! Each starter home we build costs less than a couple months mortgage and takes around 3 to 5 hours to build. But the impact made on the family who receives the house can't be measured in dollars or years.


Mobile Clinics and Mountains

There are only a few big cities in Honduras where there is easy access to healthcare. The rest of the country, which is about the size of the State of Tennessee, has nearly no access at all to caring doctors, nurses, medicines and routine examinations. Clinica de Esperanza takes the kindness of Jesus Christ to the "mountains" (or other remote locations) on a regular basis to care for folks who might not see any medical personnel for the next year.

With or without medical training, you can make a massive difference in the lives and health of the people of Honduras! We've got jobs for everyone who wants to pitch in, whether it's reading an electronic blood-pressure cuff, measuring height, examining patients or escorting from station to station!


Kids Clinics and Public Schools

The reality is that many impoverished families in Honduras struggle to afford basic medical services, and as a result, their children's health needs often go unmet. Clinica de Esperanza has an excellent reputation and relationship with the public school system in Honduras and has almost unlimited access to bring mobile clinics to the schools of Honduras. We typically see between 200 and 300 precious patients during each Kids Clinic, many of whom might not see a doctor until the next time we come. By offering mobile clinics on school premises, not only do we improve the overall health of the students, but we have the opportunity to shine the light of Jesus to the families and teachers, multiplying our efforts!

Our goal is to join with other ministries and organizations to cover every school in Honduras with yearly medical care. As a team member, you can help us reach that immense goal by helping out during the clinic. If you have medical training, we can put you to work! If you don't have any medical training, we can put you to work too!


House Calls and the Forgotten

With many of the younger people in Honduras migrating away from the country, there's a real problem for the parents and grandparents who are left behind. In communities where we work, there is an unusually high concentration of "forgotten elderly". Clinica de Esperanza uses its deep connections in the community and finds out who these precious people are and ministers to them in their homes. Each month, we send out medical personnel for house-calls and prayer. When there are donations of sweaters, blankets and food, we deliver them to their doorstep.

What do you need to care for the "forgotten elderly" of Honduras? Nothing more than a smile and a heart for the downtrodden. Sign up to find out how you can join a team!

Considering joining a team with Clinica de Esperanza?

United States:

Clinica de Esperanza

P.O. Box 120205

Melbourne, FL 32912


Clinica de Esperanza

Calle Principal

Santa Ana, Francisco Morazan, Hondruas